Hosting > Basic Plan

A complete 24/7 working website

With all the features you need

Your own complete website for just €3.00 (£2.50) a month. (Compare our offer and our prices.)

basic plan icon
Basic Plan: the deal
💿 Disc storage 75 megabytes To see what this means, check
our explanation of ‘hosting’
Monthly data transfer 7,500 megabytes To see what this means, check
our explanation of ‘traffic’
Email account(s) 4 Plus email auto-responders*,
email forwarders and
email spam filters.
* For ‘auto-responders’,
look at these useful examples
(in a new tab).
🖧 Mailing lists 2 Build your own network.
📁 FTP accounts 2 You will want to upload web pages
and other files to your website.
(Or get us to.) To do this, you need
a File Transfer Protocol account.
Databases 2 The information on a website
may be added to, changed or updated.
A database allows you to
keep your pages up to date
without them needing to be rewritten.
Subdomains 2 So you can subdivide your website,
allowing different types of visitor to
see a different range of pages.
🅿 Parkings 2 If you register more than one
domain name, you can use
the other name(s) as an alias!
Personal control panel Targeted to this plan So you can manage every feature listed
Setup Free Completely managed by us,
in personal contact with you.

The damage

€36.00 (£30.00) a year

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With domain registration

€50.00 (£42.00) a year

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Website design by Michael Scannell